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Journal articles #

Bayesian Calibration of Hysteretic Parameters with Consideration of the Model Discrepancy for Use in Seismic Structural Health Monitoring.
Ceravolo, R.; Faraci, A.; Miraglia, G. Applied Science 2020, 10, 5813.
[ doi | Open accessPDF ]

Conference proceedings #

Review on Python toolboxes for Kriging surrogate modelling.
Faraci, A.; Beaurepaire, P.; Gayton, N. Proceedings of the 32nd European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2022). Edited by M. C. Leva, E. Patelli, L. Podofillini, and S. Wilson ©2022 ESREL2022 Organizers. Published by Research Publishing, Singapore.
[ doi | Open accessPDF ]

Posters #

The use of Machine Learning and Grey-Box models to solve complex time-consuming RBDO problems.
Faraci, A.; Beaurepaire, P.; Gayton, N. Journées Scientifiques des Doctorants de l’ED SPI 2022. École Doctorale des Sciences Pour l’Ingénieur, Clermont Auvergne INP.
[ Open accessPDF ]

Thesis #

Bayesian inference of structural model parameters in an uncertainty quantification framework.
Faraci, A.; Ceravolo, R.; Miraglia, G.; Abbiati, G. Politecnico di Torino, Master degree in Civil, 2019.
[  webthesis  | Open accessPDF ]